19 kwi 2012

Go, run, disappear

What did you do?
Just think.
Is it nothing?
When you break down.
All my world.
All my heart.
All my dreams.
All my hope.
All me.

Just go away
And never come back
Like this foggy flashback.
I know,
You want me to falling to your feet again.
You want to watching me
While I cry.
What it gives you?
Do you feel stronger?
I'm stronger now.
And I won't let you last in my heart.
Go away.
Go, run, disappear.

3 komentarze:

  1. Z posta na post, z wiersza na wiersz, coraz bardziej podziwiam twoje umiejętności ;) Muszę się jeszcze dużo nauczyć, w sumie zawsze wolałam pisać jakieś opowiadania xd Zadziwiasz mnie, a to jest trudne ;p

  2. Cudowny *.*
    Ola ma talent.^^
